North Hills Alerts
How Do I...
About Us
Village History and Facts
Village History
learn about the history of North Hills
General Facts
census information, districts, etc.
Libraries & Water Districts
find resources pertaining to local services
Parks & Recreation
information about our recently renovated park
Holiday Schedule
dates when village hall will be closed
Village Communities
explore the communities that make North Hills special
Forms and Useful Info
Applications and Forms
all village related forms can be found here
Shuttle Information
schedule, rider form, and more
Village Taxes and Exemptions
information about paying village taxes
Voting Information
request ballots, find voting location
Public Safety
Smart911, police and fire districts
Village Services
information on permits, hall rentals
FOIL Requests
records access requests information
Helpful Links
sitemap of useful websites
Meetings and Events
Legal Notices
find current legal notice postings
Upcoming Meetings
calendar of board meetings
Requests for Proposals
information regarding village RFPs
Notices & Events
village news and upcoming events
Past Meeting Minutes
minutes for previous board meetings
repository of village newsletters
Staff and Departments
Board of Trustees
board information, meetings, and minutes
Board of Appeals
board for appeals of permits and zoning
Planning Board
board for permits, construction, and applications
Architectural Review Board
board for reviewing construction and design plans
Building Department
information on building department
Village Court
court office information and FAQs
Village Clerk-Treasurer
village budget and billing office information
Village Staff
meet the North Hills staff members
Town of North Hempstead Native Seedling Giveaway
TONH Native Seedling Giveaway Flyer
About Us
Village History and Facts
Village History
learn about the history of North Hills
General Facts
census information, districts, etc.
Libraries & Water Districts
find resources pertaining to local services
Parks & Recreation
information about our recently renovated park
Holiday Schedule
dates when village hall will be closed
Village Communities
explore the communities that make North Hills special
Forms and Useful Info
Applications and Forms
all village related forms can be found here
Shuttle Information
schedule, rider form, and more
Village Taxes and Exemptions
information about paying village taxes
Voting Information
request ballots, find voting location
Public Safety
Smart911, police and fire districts
Village Services
information on permits, hall rentals
FOIL Requests
records access requests information
Helpful Links
sitemap of useful websites
Meetings and Events
Legal Notices
find current legal notice postings
Upcoming Meetings
calendar of board meetings
Requests for Proposals
information regarding village RFPs
Notices & Events
village news and upcoming events
Past Meeting Minutes
minutes for previous board meetings
repository of village newsletters
Staff and Departments
Board of Trustees
board information, meetings, and minutes
Board of Appeals
board for appeals of permits and zoning
Planning Board
board for permits, construction, and applications
Architectural Review Board
board for reviewing construction and design plans
Building Department
information on building department
Village Court
court office information and FAQs
Village Clerk-Treasurer
village budget and billing office information
Village Staff
meet the North Hills staff members