Building Department

Forms and Applications

The Village of North Hills Building Department has gone digital! Please use the below link to navigate to our online portal. From there you can access all of the new Building Departments forms and applications. ALL NEW applications must be submitted online. Any current applications already in progress will continue in their current form as paper submissions.

Building Department

To All Property Owners Within The Village:

Please be aware that all construction or alterations to existing dwellings require a building permit from the Building Department. This includes exterior extensions, alterations, decks etc., interior alterations including finished basements or parts thereof.

Please contact the Building Department for guidance prior to any work being started.

The purpose is to protect you as an owner to insure any work that is performed is to code and is safe. In addition, if you do not have a C.O. (Certificate of Occupancy) for any alteration work it could delay the resale of your home.

If you have any questions, we are here to answer them. Please call.

Yours truly,
Peter A. Cinquemani, R.A
Superintendent of Building Department

Zoning Map


Phone: (516) 627-3690

Superintendent of Building Department
Peter A. Cinquemani, R.A

Donna Thompson

Notice to Permit Holders

Any changes to construction which differs from the original approved plan must be approved by an amendment prior to the work being performed.

The Village requires an “Application to Amend Building Permit” form in duplicate completed along with two (2) sets of signed and sealed drawings and two (2) copies of a signed and sealed survey (if exterior work is included).

In addition a filing fee must be submitted which is 1.5% of additional construction cost for new residence and 1% of additional construction for alterations.

Open Permits

All building permits issued by the Village are not officially completed until a Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Otherwise it is considered an “open permit” and it may affect your ability to sell your residence.

Please contact the Building Department to determine if you have any open permits.